New Ethiopian Grade 11 Economics Textbook PDF Download

New Ethiopian Grade 11 Economics Textbook PDF Download

grade 11 economics

The Ethiopian Ministry of Education is dedicated to providing students with a comprehensive understanding of economics, and to achieve this goal, they have introduced a Grade 11 Economics textbook authored by esteemed experts in the field. In this article, we’ll delve into the textbook’s contents and provide you with a direct link to download the PDF version.

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Meet the Authors and Contributors

Before we explore the textbook’s content, let’s recognize the authors and contributors who have worked diligently to create this valuable resource:

  • Writers:
  • Guta Legesse Tessema, PhD
  • Dereje Fekadu Deressa, MSc
  • Editors:
  • Chanyalew Degefa Merga, MA (Curriculum Editor)
  • Degela Ergano Done, PhD (Content Editor)
  • Taye Gebremariam Olamo, PhD (Language Editor)
  • Illustrator:
  • Tadele Bayu Genet, MSc
  • Book Designer:
  • Amsalu Dinote Kuye, MSc
  • Evaluators:
  • Mekonnen Bersisa Gadisa, PhD
  • Tariku Mulushewa Dessea, MSc
  • Ararsa Hora Dabi, MSc

With their expertise, this Grade 11 Economics textbook promises to be an invaluable resource for both students and educators.

Exploring the Textbook’s Contents

The Grade 11 Economics textbook is thoughtfully structured, covering a range of economic topics in depth. Here’s an overview of the contents:

Unit 1: Theory of Consumer Behavior and Demand

  • Review of the Cardinal Utility Approach
  • The Ordinal Utility Theory and Preferences
  • Indifference Curve, Set, and Map
  • Properties of Indifference Curves
  • The Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS)
  • Marginal Utility and MRS
  • Special Types of Indifference Curves
  • The Budget Line or the Price Line
  • Slope of the Budget Line
  • Factors Affecting the Budget Line
  • Effects of Changes in Income
  • Effects of Changes in the Price of Commodities
  • Optimum of the Consumer
  • Effects of Changes in Income and Prices on Consumer’s Equilibrium
  • Price Consumption Curve and Deriving the Demand Curve

Unit 2: Market Structure and the Decision of Firms

  • Review of Market Structures
  • Perfect Competition Market
  • Pure Monopoly Market
  • Monopolistic Competition Market
  • Oligopoly Market

Unit 3: National Income Accounting

  • Nature of National Income Account and Its Importance
  • The Concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP)
  • Approaches of Measuring National Income (GDP/GNP)
  • Problems with GDP Measurement
  • The GDP Deflator and the Consumer Price Index
  • Other Measures of National Income Account
  • GDP and Income Distribution

Unit 4: Consumption, Saving, and Investment

  • Consumption
  • Saving
  • The Relationship between Saving and Consumption
  • Investment

Unit 5: Trade and Finance

  • Overview of Domestic Trade
  • Basis of International Trade
  • Basic Theories of International Trade
  • Balance of Payment Components
  • Trade Policies and Strategies
  • Exchange Rate Determinations
  • Regional Integration and Globalization Practices in the Ethiopian Context

Unit 6: Economic Development

  • Economic Growth and Economic Development
  • Measures of Productivity
  • Human Development Index (HDI)
  • Capability Approach
  • Sustainable Development
  • Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015)
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030)

Unit 7: Main Sectors, Sectorial Policies, and Strategies of Ethiopia

  • Overview of Agricultural Policies and Strategies
  • Specific Policies and Strategies of the Agricultural Sector
  • Problems of the Agricultural Sector
  • Specific Policies and Strategies of the Industrial Sector
  • Problems of the Industrial Sector Post 1991
  • Possible Remedies for the Problems of the Industrial Sector
  • The Service Sector Policies and Strategies in Ethiopia

Download the Grade 11 Economics Textbook

To access this comprehensive Grade 11 Economics textbook in PDF format and empower yourself with economic knowledge.

Whether you’re a student looking to deepen your understanding of economics or an educator seeking a valuable teaching resource, this textbook will be your guide to exploring the fascinating world of economics. Happy learning!


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