How to start blogging in ethiopia at 2024

How to start blogging in ethiopia at 2024

ethiopian blogger he is writing blog post

Are you looking to start blogging in Ethiopia, connect with your community, and maybe even make some money along the way? Then you’ve landed in the right place! I currently manage five websites, each catering to different niches. Through consistent effort and strategic monetization, I’ve turned my passion into a sustainable income stream. Blogging isn’t just a hobby; it’s a viable career path.,I’m here to guide you through the exciting world of launching your own blog in 2024.

Gone are the days when creating a website in Ethiopia felt like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro without dollars. Thanks to the booming local hosting scene, bringing your blogging dream to life has never been easier. This not only opens up opportunities for sharing your unique perspective but also for building a profitable online presence.

Yes, you heard it right—profitable. Ethiopia’s blogosphere is growing rapidly, and with increased internet access and potential for local advertising, you can turn your passion into a paycheck. But it’s not just about the money; it’s about connecting with your fellow Ethiopians, contributing to your community, and making your voice heard. The digital landscape is thriving, and now is the perfect time to join the exciting journey of blogging in Ethiopia.

If you’re tired of endless scrolling and ready to carve out your own space in the digital world, get ready! This guide has everything you need to launch your blog, from finding your niche to creating awesome content and building a loyal readership. No tech jargon, no scary stuff – just simple, step-by-step advice from one Ethiopian blogger to another.

Remember, the toughest competition is often with your own self-doubt. But believe me, the potential rewards are totally worth it. So, let’s kick off this blogging in ethiopia adventure together! Hold onto your hats, folks, because it’s going to be an exciting ride!

boy he writing blog post on his laptop and on his desk Ethiopia flag are available for post: blogging in ethiopia
Ethiopian blogger image prompt by amredin generated by Dall-e3

What is blogging

Blogging is the art of sharing your voice with the world, one post at a time. It’s like having your own online journal, but interactive and full of potential.No matter your passion or expertise, blogging gives you a voice. You can share your knowledge in words, pictures, and even videos, using platforms like Blogger or WordPress. It’s like having your own online magazine, where you curate the content and connect with people who share your interests.

Reasons why to start blogging in ethiopia at 2024

There are many exciting reasons why you should consider starting a blog in Ethiopia! Here are just a few:

  • To build your own community: The Ethiopian online community is vibrant and growing. Starting a blog allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passions, build networks, and foster meaningful conversations. You can create a space for dialogue, collaboration, and mutual support.
  • To share your knowledge: Ethiopia has a wealth of knowledge and stories waiting to be told. By blogging, you can contribute to documenting and preserving Ethiopian culture, traditions, and experiences. You can become a resource for others interested in learning more about your country and its people.
  • To develop new skills: Blogging is a fantastic way to hone your writing, communication, and digital marketing skills. You’ll learn about SEO, audience engagement, and content creation, all of which can be valuable in various aspects of your life.

Are you Excited to see step by step instructions to launch you brand new website let’s get started!

1. Choose Your Blog Niche

Before starting your blog, find your special topic. Don’t just go for general categories; instead, focus on the exciting mix of things you love and know a lot about. Are you really into making sourdough bread? Or have you mastered the art of traveling light? Find your own space on the internet that’s all about what you love. Use what you know about money, staying fit, or anything that really excites you. This excitement will make your blog real and interesting for others.

But your special topic isn’t just about you. Check out existing blogs, see what people are interested in, and think about making money. Will your voice stand out? Are there lots of people waiting to hear what you have to say? Can you turn what you love into a journey that lasts a long time? By smartly combining your interests with what people want, you’ll create a blog that does well, connects with others, and becomes your awesome platform for sharing and creativity. So, dive deep, explore, and embrace the special topic that makes your blog come alive.

2. Select a Blogging Platform

blogging platforms from linkdin for post: blogging in ethiopia
image source

Remember WordPress? This super powerful platform is still a great choice for beginners. But let’s get specific for Ethiopian bloggers. No more struggling to find a good web host – now, there are local options that make owning a website possible for everyone!

Here are your local hosting choices:

  • A well-known name in Ethiopian web hosting, known for being stable and having great customer support.
  • EthioTelecom: The national telecom giant is now offering its own hosting services, seamlessly connecting with your existing plans.
  • HahuCloud: A rising star with competitive prices and cool cloud solutions.
  • Technobros: Perfect for bloggers on a budget, Technobros is affordable without sacrificing reliability. And their support team is super friendly.

But the big game-changer? You can now say goodbye to having to pay in dollars! These local hosts accept Ethiopian Birr, making it much easier for aspiring Ethiopian bloggers to get started.

This local change opens up so many possibilities. Picture sharing your unique Ethiopian take on food, travel, or culture with people all over the world. Imagine using your blog to highlight local businesses and talents. Think about joining a huge online community in Ethiopia that’s eager to hear what you have to say.

So, get excited about what you love, pick your niche, and choose a local hosting hero. Ethiopian bloggers are all set to make a big impact in the digital world, one Birr at a time.

Bonus Tip:

 Look into the features and prices of each host to find the perfect one for you. in my case i’m currently using yegara host check it!

3. Get Your Domain Name and Hosting

Choosing the right domain name is like putting up a flag for your blog in the digital world. It needs to be easy to remember, relevant to what you’re talking about, and simple to say. Think of it as your online address – the first thing visitors notice. Look at my domain name, It’s short, related to Ethiopian culture, and easy to remember. You can do the same!

Here’s how to do it:

Brainstorming Bonanza

  • Think about keywords: Use words that really capture what your blog is about so people can find you easily.
  • Keep it short: Aim for a name that’s under 15 characters, something that just rolls off the tongue.
  • Get creative: Play with words, make a catchy rhyme, or include something local to make it stand out.

Availability Check

  • Use Yegara: Yegara Host can help you find available domain names. It’s like looking for treasure to find the perfect digital address.
yegara host domain choosing place  for post: blogging in ethiopia
yegara host domain choosing page

Registration Time

  • Choose your hosting hero: When you find a domain name you like, register it with your favorite hosting provider. Yegara Host, Ethio Telecom, and others mentioned earlier are great choices.
  • Birr-illiant Payment: With local hosts, you can pay in Ethiopian Birr, making it easier and more affordable to start your blog.

Planting your blog’s domain is a big step, and with these tips, you’ll find the perfect domain name and hosting provider to make your online home successful. So, go ahead, brainstorm, and let your blog’s unique flag fly high in the digital world!

4. Install WordPress

Exciting news! You’ve made it to the fun part – installing WordPress! And the best part? Doing it with local hosting providers in Ethiopia is super easy. It’s like building your blog with bricks right from your neighborhood. No more waiting for international shipments or dealing with confusing instructions.

Take Yegara Host, for example. They make installing WordPress a piece of cake. They guide you step-by-step on their website, just like a friendly neighbor showing you the way. And guess what? It’s all in English, whichever you prefer!

But Yegara isn’t the only hero here – many other local providers offer one-click installations too. It’s like magic! Click a button, and boom, your WordPress castle starts coming together. No need to mess with complicated code or figure out confusing menus.

Bonus Tip:

If you ever get stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider’s customer support. They’re there to help you build your beautiful blog, step by step.

So, take a deep breath, choose your local hosting hero, and click that “install” button. With WordPress set up, you’re just a few steps away from sharing your Ethiopian story with the world. Get ready to write, explore, and connect – the digital world is waiting for you!

5. Design Your Blog

blog design pencil art for post: blogging in ethiopia
blog website design concept sketch by hand

Choosing a free WordPress theme is like picking the look of your blog, and it’s kind of like choosing spices for Ethiopian cooking. Each theme adds a special style to your blog. If you’re into Food Blogging in ethiopia, consider Food Blog by MyThemeShop; it shows off your food with big, tasty pictures. Sparkling by GretaThemes is clean and simple, making it great for Ethiopian audiences who use mobile phones a lot.

For Travel blogs, try TravelZine by ThemeIsle or Adventurous by WPLift. They’re like online postcards for sharing your travels and adventures in Ethiopia. If you’re all about Culture, Astra by Brainstorm Force and Rhythmic by Graphene Themes are cool. They let you show off traditional Ethiopian stuff like art, music, and stories in a way that suits your style.

And if you want your blog to be in Amharic(its not possible to monetize on google adsense) or Ge’ez, check out Janus by Catch Themes or TheGem by Pixelgrade. They help more people in Ethiopia understand and enjoy your blog. Remember, these are just ideas – pick a theme that feels right for your blog’s style and what Ethiopian readers might like. So, go ahead, try different themes, and make your blog look just the way you want!

6. Write and Publish Your First Post

blog post on wordpress for post: blogging in ethiopia
wordpress blog post dashboard

You’ve done the hard work – built your blog and picked a cool theme. Now, it’s time for the fun part: writing your first blog post! Don’t worry, it’s like telling a friend about your day over coffee. Let’s make it a breeze:

  • Be You, Be Real: Forget fancy essays – let your personality shine! Pretend you’re chatting with a buddy over Ethiopian coffee. Be yourself – funny, passionate, and insightful.
  • Find Your Excitement: Start with what excites you! It could be your grandma’s injera recipe, a hidden waterfall you found, or the lively streets of Addis Ababa. Your enthusiasm will catch on!
  • Talk to Your Peeps: It’s not just about you. Think about your fellow Ethiopians. What do they care about? Write stuff that connects with them – solutions, inspiration, or just a good laugh.
  • Let it Flow: Don’t stress! Write freely. Edit later. People connect with your raw, genuine voice.
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: Use cool photos, drawings, or short videos. They make your story pop and grab attention in a world that loves visuals.
  • Make it Easy to Read: Keep it short and sweet. Use bullet points. Keep it simple. Your readers will love you for it.
  • Publish and Party: You did it! Hit that publish button and do a little happy dance. You’ve officially shared your voice with the world. Nice!

Bonus Tip:

 Chat with your readers! Respond to comments, answer questions, and get people talking. Building a blog community is awesome.

This is just the start. Grab your digital pen, embrace your Ethiopian spirit, and let the stories flow. Your voice is a treasure, and people are waiting to hear it. Happy blogging in ethiopia! 🎉

7. Monetize Your Blog

Creating a lively Ethiopian blog is all about sharing your voice and connecting with your audience. And hey, why not earn a little something for your hard work? Lucky for you, there are lots of ways to turn your passion into profit. Check these out:

Ad Networks: Get Paid for Clicks:

  • Google AdSense: This big name shows ads on your blog and pays you for every click. Many Ethiopian bloggers use it.
adsense image in ethioall for post blogging in ethiopia
google adsense logo
  • Ezoic: This platform takes ads to the next level by adjusting them for the best results on your site automatically.
  • Adsterra: Another good choice with competitive rates and different ad formats, giving you control.

Beyond Ads: Mix It Up

  • Affiliate Marketing: Team up with brands related to your blog and earn money by promoting their stuff. Think Ethiopian coffee, traditional crafts, or local travel.
  • Sponsored Content: Work with brands or Ethiopian creators for sponsored posts. Share your real experience with their stuff and get paid for it.
  • Sell Digital Products: Get creative! Make and sell ebooks, online courses, or printables about your blog’s topic.

Local Twists for Ethiopian Bloggers

  • Connect with Ethiopian Brands: Local businesses want to reach online audiences. Partner with fashion designers, artists, or small businesses for cool advertising chances.
  • Mobile Monetization: Since lots of folks in Ethiopia use mobile internet, think about ads or products that work well on mobile.

Look: Making money shouldn’t be the main goal, but it’s a nice bonus. Start small, try different ways, and see what works best for you and your Ethiopian audience. Get creative and explore unique opportunities that show off your local knowledge. Happy earning!

Bonus Tip:

Team up with other Ethiopian bloggers and communities. Working together can lead to shared opportunities, more promotion, and new ways to make money.

So, Ethiopian bloggers, go for it! Make money doing what you love, share your voice, and build an awesome online space in the vibrant Ethiopian digital world.

Tips to Becoming a Successful Ethiopian Blogger

Time to make your blog shine in Ethiopia! Here are some easy tips to help your blog show up on Google and connect with your readers:

Magic Words

  • Go Local: Use Ethiopian words in Amharic that people are searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Semrush can help
keyword planner for ethiopians by ethioall post: blogging in ethiopia
keyword screenshot ethioall
  • Specific Phrases: Aim for phrases like “Best injera recipe in Addis Ababa” to attract the right readers.

Secrets for Being Found

  • Fix Your Website: Make your site easy to use on phones, load fast, and be simple to navigate. Google likes sites that are friendly to users, especially since many Ethiopians use phones. website performance by google speed insight blogging in ethiopia
ethioall performance by google speed insights
  • Get Links: Get links from good Ethiopian sites by guest blogging or teaming up with others.
  • Local Info: Use local info in your content, like Ethiopian cities or regions, and make sure your Google My Business listing is claimed.

Content Rules

  • Your Voice: Share your Ethiopian perspective in your content. Talk about local stories, celebrate Ethiopian culture, and give your take on global topics.
  • Quality Matters: Focus on good, helpful content. Do research, share useful insights, and let your unique writing style shine.
  • Use Pictures and Videos: Make your content interesting with images and videos. Show off beautiful Ethiopian visuals.

Connect with Readers

  • Talk to Your Readers: As i said in above answer comments and join discussions to build a community around your blog.
  • Use Amharic: Write some content in Amharic to reach more Ethiopian readers.
  • Work Together: Team up with other bloggers to help each other grow.

Don’t forget those: SEO takes time. Stay patient, keep going, and keep learning. These tips, customized for Ethiopia, will help your blog climb on Google. So, go for it, Ethiopian blogger, and make your mark in the digital world!


Embarking on the journey of blogging in Ethiopia is now more accessible than ever, thanks to the flourishing local hosting options and a wealth of valuable insights shared in our conversation. From overcoming the challenges of finding web hosts that accept Ethiopian Birr to learning the ropes of blog creation through resources like Suteck’s YouTube channel and, aspiring bloggers have a clear pathway to ownership.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored essential steps such as choosing a blog niche, selecting a user-friendly platform like WordPress, obtaining a domain name and hosting, designing a visually appealing blog, writing captivating posts, and promoting content through social media, SEO, and networking. The potential for monetization, including Google AdSense, Ezoic, Adstera, affiliate marketing, and selling digital products, has been highlighted.

Drawing from personal experience, the importance of identifying content gaps in the Ethiopian online space has been emphasized, presenting a valuable opportunity for new bloggers to carve their niche. The article encourages bloggers to document experiences, find a creative outlet, connect with others, and assures that no expertise is required, only a passion for the chosen topic.

Additionally, the guide addresses the unique Ethiopian context, providing local web hosting options, suggesting themes like Astra for visual appeal, and emphasizing the use of Amharic language in content creation. Practical advice for selecting a domain name, installing WordPress, and engaging in effective SEO strategies has been woven into the narrative.

As a concluding note, the article encourages prospective bloggers to overcome self-doubt, dive into the world of blogging, and make their voices heard. The potential for success in the Ethiopian blogosphere is underlined, with the reminder that blogging is a journey of sharing knowledge and connecting with a wider audience. So, armed with the wealth of information shared here, aspiring Ethiopian bloggers are invited to start their blogs, contribute to the vibrant online community, and create a digital space where their voices can truly shine. Happy blogging! 🌟🚀


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