Ethiotiktok app download

Ethiotiktok app download

 This application was developed in Ethiopia and as we can understand from the name, we can understand that it is a platform where fun content is released just like Tik Tok. This app is currently available on playstore but not launched yet. This app has brought new opportunities for Ethiopian TikTokers. Among them is the payment of fees. This application was established by Mansour Jamal and Ethiopian developers.


Tiktok vs Ethiotiktok

Of course, if we can’t compare ethiotiktok with tiktok, it has its own coolness. In other words, he was not told that he brought a great opportunity for content creators.


  If we look at tiktok, it does not pay any fees to content creators in countries like Ethiopia. Even if he pays to foreign countries, he pays not enough money. Also, it is possible to earn money other than tiktok live. When a content creator goes live, his fans can give him a gift through tiktok, but tiktok takes most of the percentage for himself.


Ethiotiktok can be better than tiktok because of its payment system. According to Mansoor Jamal, an ethiotiktok content creator can earn money based on the number of likes, for example:-
If a creator has 10k likes, 10k will be credited to his account.
Similarly, if a creator has 100k, it means that 100k birr will be credited to his account. This payment system works only for Ethiopia. So this is the strong side of ethiotiktok.
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Even if the app has not started working for a while, it is better to download it and save it. Finally, I want to thank the developers.


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