How to start Freelancing in ethiopia at 2024

How to start Freelancing in ethiopia at 2024

freelancing work by ethiopian

Nowadays, freelancing is a popular topic on YouTube and other platforms. Many people are earning money from freelancing, and some even make it their main source of income. One of the best things about freelancing is that many Ethiopians are making a good amount of money from it, which can provide them with financial freedom. 

In the past, starting an online business in Ethiopia was very difficult due to the lack of payment options and platforms. However, now many Ethiopians are successfully making money as freelancers on Upwork and other sites. This shift has opened up new opportunities and made it easier for Ethiopians to participate in the global market.

If you are interested in starting a freelance career, you should know that there are many online jobs available on the internet. The best thing about freelancing is that you can work from home, and it is simple if you have skills in a specific area. I wrote this article after conducting extensive research. I explored various aspects, such as the main challenges of freelancing in Ethiopia and how to overcome them, how to find the best jobs for your skills, and how to create your gigs.

In this article, I will provide you with links to YouTube videos that will help you start your freelancing journey. Additionally, I will outline seven steps to begin freelancing and everything you need to know to start freelancing in Ethiopia. Are you ready to see how you can become a freelancer? Then don’t skip any part of this article. If you find this article helpful, please share it with others.

What is freelancing

ethiopian freelancer
ethiopian freelancer

Freelancing means working for yourself and not for one company. You can choose your own projects and clients, and work from anywhere with good internet access. You can also decide your own schedule and hours. This makes freelancing a simple and attractive option for many Ethiopians. I will show you some examples of successful freelancers in Ethiopia later in this article.

Why you should start freelancing in Ethiopia

  • It is very easy to get started if you have some skills or knowledge in a certain field. You can work from home or anywhere you like, without any investment. You just need to showcase your skills online, on platforms like Upwork.
  • It makes your life easier. You can enjoy more flexibility and freedom in choosing your projects, clients, and schedule. You can also balance your work and personal life better.
  • You can earn more money. Depending on your skills and experience, you can charge higher rates for your services, especially if you specialize in web development, app development, or video editing. You can achieve financial independence without leaving your home.
  • You can scale it as an agency. For example, if you are a video editor and you get a lot of work from freelancing websites like Upwork, you can hire other freelancers to help you with your projects. This way, you can grow your business and income.
  • You can access foreign currency. As you know, in Ethiopia, there is a shortage of dollars and it is hard to buy things online. But if you work on freelancing websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and similar platforms, they will pay you in dollars and you can receive them through your Wise account or Payoneer account. Then you can use your dollars as you wish.
  • You can create and sell courses. If you have a lot of experience in freelancing, you can share your knowledge and teach others how to start freelancing. This is another great way to make money online, as many people are interested in learning about freelancing. If you have a good course, you can sell it and earn a lot of money.

Successful Freelancers in Ethiopia 

These are some of the successful freelancers from Ethiopia who are making good money online. They have different skills and experiences that make them stand out.

Amare A

is a Mechanical Engineer who earned $40k+ in total. He has 9 years of experience in various engineering fields, such as Thermo-fluid, HVAC, Energy, Product development, and Aerodynamics. He can use software tools like ANSYS, COMSOL, STAR CCM+, SOLIDWORKS, Open-FOAM, MATLAB, and Python.

Mohammed D. 

is part of a YouTube Automation Team who earned $20k+ in total. He offers services like Full Video Production, Scriptwriting, Voice Over Recording, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Title, and Thumbnail Creation. He has worked with multiple YouTube channels for over two years and delivered high-quality content with quick turnaround and commitment.

Henok F

is a Vue.js Developer who earned $30k+ in total. He has 4+ years of experience in designing and developing web applications using Vue.js, nuxt, ionic, and other JavaScript frameworks. He is a fast learner, good time manager, excellent communicator, and deep understanding of frontend and backend frameworks.


is an English-Amharic Translator who earned $30k+ in total. He provides Translation, Proofreading, and SRT Subtitling services and has over 100 projects under his belt, with a “Top Rated” badge on Upwork. He is professional, reliable, meticulous, on-time, and good at communication

7 Steps to start freelancing

1. Know your hobby or interest

Know your hobby or interest This is the first and important step before you start freelancing. You need to know what you enjoy doing or have some experience in. For example, if you are interested in web development or app development, you should choose that as your niche. It doesn’t matter if you are not very experienced yet, as long as you have a passion for it. 

If you choose something that you don’t like or are not good at, you will feel stressed and unhappy when you work. Don’t listen to YouTubers or others who tell you to pick a niche based on how much money it pays or how popular it is. Listen to yourself and pick something that suits you. 

After you start working, you will find it easier and more enjoyable if you love what you do. I’m not saying that you need to be an expert in your niche, because in the next step I will tell you another tip related to skills. But don’t forget that knowing your hobby or interest is very important when you decide to start freelancing.

2. Learn the skills 

Learn the skills This is the second and very important step in your freelancing journey. You need to have the skills to offer your services to clients. If you don’t have the skills in your niche or work area, clients will not hire you or be satisfied with your work. So you need to learn and improve your skills. For example, if you like web development, you should learn how to code, use different tools, and create websites. If you already know some video editing, but it’s not your interest, you should not pursue it as your niche. 

The main thing in freelancing is to use your preferred niche, as I said in the first step. So you need to learn the skills that match your niche. Don’t forget that learning is very important in any work area or niche. As Elon Musk said, first learn and then earn. That’s true, because the more you learn, the more you earn.

3. Create projects for yourself

Create projects for yourself This is a way to test your skills or interests before you start freelancing. You should create some projects at home that showcase your abilities and experience. This will help you later when you build your portfolio, which I will tell you more about in the next step. It will also help you improve your skills and become an expert in your chosen niche. So don’t forget to practice your skills by creating different projects. 

For example, if you are a video editor, you should edit some videos and save them on your desktop or upload them on YouTube, if they don’t have any copyright issues. This will help you later when you need to show your work to clients. 

If you are a web developer, you should create some websites and don’t forget to create your own profile website. You can find many videos on YouTube that can help you create projects in your specific niche and You can follow them and create your own projects. You can be proud of yourself if you create your own projects without copying anyone else. This step is very important to build your confidence and credibility. So don’t forget to create projects and save them for your portfolio.

4. Build your portfolio 

Building your portfolio is an important step for your freelancing career. Before you register and apply for jobs, you should build your portfolio to show your skills and work to potential clients. Many clients will check your portfolio before hiring you, so you should make a good impression. In the previous step, I told you to create your projects and save them on your computer. You can use them to build your portfolio. This is the best way to showcase your work and experience. 

If you have a good portfolio, you have a higher chance of winning freelancing jobs. So don’t forget to build your portfolio and make it attractive and professional. Clients will see it when you apply for jobs and they will be more likely to hire you if you have a good portfolio. This is the best and most important step for your freelancing career.

5. Prepare yourself mentally 

Before you start freelancing, you need to be mentally ready for it. You might wonder why this step is important. It is important because if you are not mentally prepared, you will not be confident in your work. I have told you many steps in the previous parts, and this is an important one to start freelancing. For example, if you are not mentally prepared, when clients come to you, you will not know how to talk to them or what to say. But if you are mentally prepared, you will work efficiently and effectively. 

I am saying that if you are mentally prepared, you will see yourself as a hero and a good freelancer. You will be successful in freelancing. Many freelancers are not really prepared for this part, so don’t forget to prepare yourself mentally. To prepare yourself mentally, you should read some books. I want to tell you quickly that books are very important to build your personality, not only mentally, but also in other aspects. So don’t forget to read some psychological books.

6. Register on freelancing platforms 

Now we are finally here to start freelancing. To start freelancing, you need to register on different platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, and many other freelancing websites that are available on the internet. As an Ethiopian, you can register on Upwork. I have shown you some successful freelancers in Ethiopia who are on Upwork. So if you are interested, you can register on Upwork for long-term projects. If you prefer short-term projects, you can register on Fiverr. You can be a successful freelancer on any platform. I will provide you a YouTube video link that will show you how to register on Upwork. 

This is the main part of starting freelancing. You should focus on your portfolio, as I said in the previous part. The portfolio is the most important thing in freelancing. I have done a lot of research on it, and successful freelancers have a good portfolio. So don’t forget to build your portfolio.

7. Start working as a freelancer

Now you’ve reached a challenging part: starting to work as a freelancer. If you’re using platforms like Upwork, you might face challenges, especially with getting your proposals accepted. To improve your chances, make sure your proposals are clear and specific to each job. Show your skills and experience, and include examples of your past work. Be patient and keep trying, as it might take some time to get your first few jobs. Building a strong profile with good reviews from clients will help you get more projects over time.

Congratulations! on starting your freelancing career! Keep working hard and improving yourself. Don’t forget to satisfy your clients and deliver quality work. One of the important things in freelancing is communicating with your clients. You should know how to talk to them professionally and politely. In the previous part, I told you to read some books to prepare yourself mentally. This is important, especially reading books about finance and business. 

You should also have a good internet connection and update your technology devices. If you use a laptop or a desktop, you should upgrade it to a higher level. This will help you work faster and more efficiently. These are some of the suggestions that will help you succeed in freelancing.

Final words 

Finally, thank you for reading my article. I hope you learned a lot from it. Let me introduce myself. I am Amredin Hussain, the owner of and Su Teck YouTube channel. also have a mobile application called Etuberoch that teaches you how to start a YouTube channel. I have another website and 5 years of experience in online work. If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends, family, or anyone who is interested in online work, especially freelancing. We covered many topics in this article, from reviewing successful freelancers to starting your own freelancing career. But this is not enough. I know that to start freelancing, you need to read more articles, books, and watch more videos. That’s why I have more articles for you on my website. Thank you for reading my article. Don’t forget to share it with others. Thank you and goodbye.


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