Mathematics for natural sciences freshman students

Mathematics for natural sciences freshman students

 Mathematics for natural sciences freshman students moduel free pdf download

natural maths

This moduel prepared by

* Ato arbsie yasin
* DR. berhanu bekele
* Dr. berhanu guta
* Ato wondwosen zemene

Book Contents

Chapter 1: Propositional Logic and set Theory 

◈ Propositional Logic

◈ Definition and examples of Propositions 

◈ Logical connectives 

◈ Compound (or complex) proposition 

◈Tautology and contradiction 

◈ Open propositions and quantifiers 

◈ Arguments and Validity 

◈ Set Theory 

◈ The Concept of a set 

◈Description of sets 

 Set operations and Venn diagrams 

Chapter 2:The Real and Complex Number Systems 

◈The real number system 

◈The natural numbers, principle of mathematical induction

and the well ordering axiom

◈The set of integers 

◈ The set of rational numbers

◈ The set of real numbers, upper bound and lower bound, least

◈Upper bound and greatest lower bound; completeness property

of real numbers

◈The set of complex numbers

◈Plotting complex numbers

◈Operations on complex numbers

◈Conjugate of a complex number

◈Modulus (Norm) of a complex number

◈Additive and multiplicative inverse

◈Argument of a complex number

◈Polar form of a complex numbers

◈Extraction of roots

◈◈Chapter 3: Functions◈◈

◈Review of relations and functions

◈Real valued functions and their properties

◈Types of functions and inverse of a function

◈Polynomials, zeros of polynomials, rational functions and

their graphs

◈Definition and basic properties of logarithmic, exponential,

trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, and their graphs.

◈◈Chapter 4: Analytic Geometry◈◈

◈Distance Formula and Equation of Lines

◈Distance between two points and division of segments

◈Equations of lines

◈Distance between a point and a line


◈Definition of a circle

◈Equation of a circle

◈Intersection of a circle with a line and  tangent line to a circle


◈Definition of parabola

◈Equation of parabolas


◈Definition of ellipse

◈Equation of ellipse


◈Definition of a hyperbola

◈Equation of a hyperbola

◈The general second degree equation

◈Rotation of coordinate axes

◈Analysis of the general second degree equations


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